Kobe Seiko Club
We would like to talk with you, to get to know you, and to have a good time together.
We hope we will deepen mutual understanding.

We also hope this party will help us establish friendship with you
and promote goodwill between your countries and Japan.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation.

INFORMATIONS@(We are planning as follows)

Kobe Seiko Club is planning for the active year in 2005 as followsF
In case of application or giving us your coorperation, please click the yDetailz of our activities:

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation

Tea Party

December 4th (Sunday)@13:00`@Tea Party K.L Housing Model house

yExchange plan with Ieshima in 2005 fiscal year z

July 11th iMondayj@Fish's cooking class@Hyogo Prefecture Shikama-gun Ieshima-cho
'The method of cooking the fish is learnt and relished. '

Cooking Party

December 4th (Sunday) Cooking party with the 10th foreigner
Kobe City Kita Ward and the Kita Ward people center
'The dish of the country is made with foreigners. '

Grape Society

The middle of September@Grape Society@
Kobe City Kita Ward Osawa-cho (Fruit Frawa park )
REFERENCE Non Profitable Organization Kobe Seiko Club
AddressF 2-5-10 Suzurandai Minami-machi,
Kita-ward, Kobe
TEL:078-592-0536 FAX:078-593-9836 E-Mail:jfpjk118@ybb.ne.jp