Kobe Seiko Club
We would like to talk with you, to get to know you, and to have a good time together.
We hope we will deepen mutual understanding.

We also hope this party will help us establish friendship with you
and promote goodwill between your countries and Japan.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation.


(The Organization authorized by The Governor of Hyogo Prefecture)

President Tetsuro Yoshikawa2-5-10 Suzurandai Minami-machi, Kita-ku,KobePostal CodeF651-1113

Home Telephone 078-592-0536
Home Facsimile 078-593-9836
Mobile Telephone 090-9628-9762
e-Mail Address jfpjk118@ybb.ne.jp
Home-page Address http://www.geocities.jp/kobeseikoclub/index.htm

We are a group of goodwill inhabitants in the Kita-ward to find opportunities to make the place more pleasant and friendly town for both Japanese and foreign national families
We sincerely hope that such friendly relations can last for a long period of time in our life.

We are planning to have gCOOKING PARTY with FOREIGNERSh three times a year.
The purpose of this cross cultural party is to welcome new friends from overseas and to make good friends with each other in the family like atmosphere.

We also hope this party will help us establish friendship with foreigners and promote goodwill between foreign countries and Japan.

We also are active at local levels for the benefit of all citizens.
For example,
(1) For the safety food and for our good health, we are researching with farmers in Kita-ward, Kobe.
(2) gYuge-farmh in Kita-ward, Kobe, runs a stock farm. It is a small size ,dairy farm. Their main products are dairy products.
It is worth visiting.
We are giving our hands for their publicity.
(3) We are cooperating with Ieshima-town, Shikamagun, Hyogo prefecture, for her activity.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation
REFERENCE Non Profitable Organization Kobe Seiko Club
AddressF 2-5-10 Suzurandai Minami-machi,
Kita-ward, Kobe
TEL:078-592-0536 FAX:078-593-9836 E-Mail:jfpjk118@ybb.ne.jp