Kobe Seiko Club
We would like to talk with you, to get to know you, and to have a good time together.
We hope we will deepen mutual understanding.

We also hope this party will help us establish friendship with you
and promote goodwill between your countries and Japan.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation.

The purpose of Kobe Seiko Club

We would like to serve what we can do for the people in the area, for the society, for Japanese and foreign national families.

 We are a group of goodwill inhabitants in the Kita-ward, Kobe, who have fifty years history. But our group is a voluntary group. The activities of the voluntary group have the limits.

 We have talked with our members over the various matters for two years. What shall we do? how can we do?
 First of all we should have the certification by the administrative organ (Hyougo prefecture in this area).
 In May 2004, we got the certification by Hyogo Prefecture.
 We regularly started our activities in the area.

Not completed
REFERENCE Non Profitable Organization Kobe Seiko Club
Address: 2-5-10 Suzurandai Minami-machi,
Kita-ward, Kobe
TEL:078-592-0536 FAX:078-593-9836 E-Mail:jfpjk118@ybb.ne.jp